29 May

23rd Monday

So today I wake up and go to breakfast…Run to the bus…get to school but first Emily and I must go to the grocery store bc the class that we are observing today is learning about Fire and they are making a fire and roasting sausages! like how much fun right?

Well we get to the class, they were in 4th grade, they understood more english, however the entire class was in GERMAN and I understood most of it! It was so awesome they learned about the evolution of fire and how it was used and made.  They read a lil story that dealt with fire…OH and to start class I almost forgot! they had show and tell and someone brought in a fireman’s helmet and someone else brought those rocks that you click together and they spark! It was so cute to see the children fascinated by rocks! lol

But then we all went outside and the principal was waiting there with makeshift grills and she told the kids how to make the fire and blah blah…then she let the students try to start the fire….I thought for sure one kid was gonna lose a finger or something.

Each student had brought their own stick and sausages to grill. It was SO CUTE! Dangerous and would NEVER happen in the states but the students were surprisingly really good with it all!

After that was all said and done it was time to go and we waited at the bus stop for our bus……

Well then when the bus arrived we had decided that we wanted to hurry up and get on so there are 2 entrances to the bus, the one by the driver and one at the middle…


Well ME being the LEADER that I am I hurry up and hop on the bus…However, I guess the bus driver had other plans….lol He shut the doors on me! but I was just thinking oh well maybe you have to be quicker lol you know how sometimes if your taking your time the elevator doors close…NOPE the driver proceeds to yell at us and I thought that he saw me pull my card out so I just sat down. Well then the bus is just sitting there not going any where….well we send our fluent German speaker aka EMILY up to the front all through a crowded bus to go talk to him…and he made us all come up and show him our cards….I was the last one and I apologized, surprisingly enough he was nice and was like, “well know for next time, I run a tight ship” or something to that effect …it was in german…lol so I’m sure that EVERYONE on the bus was like WTF? Stupid Americans! lol

We quickly exited the bus and went to the hotel and took a half hr nap. Then Emily and I went for a run! yep I lasted 30min at prolly a 8-10min mile pace! it was FABULOUS! we found this cool little running path that took us along the canal and it also connects cities! its cool if I could’ve lasted a lil longer it takes us through the woods! It looked like it would’ve been beautiful but I was ready to die! lol

We found a cool outside pool with LOTS of area to lie out and tan. You could swim and go down the slide if you want! lol

We also found some cool bridges! I know your excited! Next time we go run we are going to do it Yes man style! lol (taking pics as we go)

We did do laundry somewhere in here! which was an adventure in and of it self! lol

We came back showered and got ready for dinner! aka we went to the grocery store and had a picnic in the park! but it was so nice and CHEAP!

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